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Here is what you don’t get, might get & get

What you don’t get
You won’t get Aid (special Path Markings, Food, Drinks, Search & Rescue, Massage, Cuddles …)
You won’t get a Buckle.
You won’t get a Medal.
You won’t get a Finisher Shirt.
You won’t get a bag full of worthless promotion material.
You won’t get a photo service.

What you might get
You might get a nice tan if the weather is fine.
You might get black toes & fingers if the weather is really bad and you start anyways.
You might get lost.
You might get injured.

What you get
You’ll get two UTMB Points if you finish in time.
You’ll get gnarly alpine terrain that will make you cry.
You’ll get a GPS track file (gpx & kml)
You’ll get buttocks of steel.
You’ll earn everlasting Hollywood-esque fame cause you did something no one ever did before.
You’ll have a cruel but awesome time with mentally deranged runners.
You’ll get faithless looks by hikers, climbers and mountaineers that you’ll meet along the route.
You’ll get sore muscles and maybe a massive chafing of your privates.
You’ll get an awesome story to tell to your co-workes, friends & family.
You’ll get an epic status to share on facebook & twitter.
You’ll get a good excuse to buy new gear.
You’ll get a granola bar.

What you should
You should get in shape
You should bring a lot of food and plenty of water
You should bring a reliable GPS device that won’t crash on long runs and has accurate navigation features.
You should bring money to buy exquisite cuisine in those mountain lodges along the route.
You should bring essential gear to survive really bad weather in the mountains (blanket, jacket, warm base layer, rain-proof upper, hat, gloves)
You should bring your mobile phone for pictures and emergency calls.
You should – at least – run in pairs.
You should not wear your comfy sneaker but shoes that give you enough control & safety on technical ground.
You should not take short cuts or leave the route. You might drop-off a cliff and die. We really tried do come up with a route that is technically challenging but somehow “safe(ish)”.



Briefing: 6. June 2015 – 05:30 - Hundsviertelhöhle (Krampen, 8692 Styria)
Start: 6. June 2015 – 06:00 - Hundsviertelhöhle (Krampen, 8692 Styria)
Finish: 6. June – Salamander (Losenheim, 2734 Lower Austria)
Official Cut-Off: 6. June 19:00 (Fischerhütte, Schneeberg)
Fischerhütte is also where your time is taken. The last bit of the route will be covered together in a neutralized manner.  If you can’t make it there till 7pm you can provide a gps track (including distance, altitude and time information) from your watch that proves that you did the whole route.

Since there is no entry-fee there won’t be an official transport-service. Nevertheless we try to coordinate a lift from Vienna to Krampen and Losenheim to Vienna if there is the need. Then of course the fee must be covered by the people that use the Transport.

The current route is around 60k with 5100m of ascent. This might change due to conditions and the winters impact.